Female fertility treatment options involves the cryopreservation of eggs, ovaries and/or embryos. One can cryopreserve one of or a combination of the options available.
Egg freezing
Embryo freezing
Ovarian tissue freezing
It is important to note that ovarian tissue freezing has only recently exited it’s experimental phase of development, and is only indicated for patient specific cases as well as be performed by specialized laboratories (such as ours).
Egg as well as ovarian tissue freezing
Recommended for patients with a low ovarian reserve who are under pressure to commence cancer treatment.
Most cancer related treatments have a known negative affect on sperm quality, thus it has been advised that you freeze your sperm before you undergo any cancer treatment. It is further advised that one freezes more than one sample, in order to have a ‘more than sufficient’ bank of sperm in order to safeguard your fertility potential.
It is always important to remember that sperm freezing should be done BEFORE cancer treatment, as most treatments have a permanent effect on the sperm. Sperm freezing is also relatively inexpensive when compared to the female equivalent of egg freezing, as well as being non-intrusive. Once cancer treatment has taken place, one can always discard sperm if it is no longer needed.
Frozen sperm can be used for the following procedures (depending on the quality pre-freeze):