Psychological Support

If you’re having a hard time coping with infertility, you’re not alone. Research has shown that the psychological stress experienced by women with infertility is similar to that of women coping with illnesses like cancer, HIV and chronic pain. We believe in a patient-centred, holistic approach, which is why your emotional and mental well-being is just as important as your physical well-being while going through the treatments process. We are here to support you.

Life begins where fears end. ~ Osho

To overcome fear, be willing to take the frst step – come and see Wijnland Fertility.

Social Impact Of Infertility

In some cases, infertility can destroy a person, a relationship, families and communities; the suffering patient is still be stigmatised.

Rejection, whether assumed or experienced, can lead to anxiety and depression and individuals and groups deal with rejection in different ways. Denial and evasion are common reactions. Professional counseling and community fertility education could help combat rejection.


Struggles with symptoms of mood (depression) and anxiety disorders are common. Some of the feelings you may experience include:

  • Loss
  • Grief
  • Anger
  • Denial
  • Shame
  • Jealously
  • Lack of Control
ScreenIVF is an instrument to screen patients starting fertility treatment on risks for psychological problems after treatment.
Psychological Support Services
The Van Waarts went through three years of fertility treatments and experienced three miscarriages before conceiving their second son by a GIFT procedure.

Being able to talk to someone who has been through the same struggles you have and truly understands the complex and challenging emotions that surround infertility can make all the difference to your emotional well-being.

Our counselling sessions help patients to talk through some of the most typical and challenging aspects of infertility: the roller coaster of emotions; causes and blame; society and family expectations; sex; religion; miscarriages; masculinity; femininity; relationship stress and more.

Psychological counselling when dealing with infertility
Gamete Donor and Recipient Assessments
Assisting in decision making and implication for unborn child, miscarriages, and cancer

Infertility is not easy to cope with. To make things worse, you may hear from friends or family that your anxiety is causing the infertility. But this is not true. While researchers once thought that stress caused infertility, more recent studies do not make this connection.

Understanding the typical emotions most couples experience during fertility treatment can help you prepare for the challenges ahead. It does not mean you will be immune to the rollercoaster of emotions, however knowing that you’re not ‘strange’ or ‘alone’ in what you’re feeling can make all the difference.

And we are here to help you, every step of the way.

Based on Lizanne van Waart MA (Psychology), study: Psychological impacts of infertility patients at the start of infertility interventions.

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More questions?
Should you require any assistance, please contact the clinic directly and one of our friendly staff members will happily assist you.