The 2013 South African National ART report was recently released by the Southern African Society of Reproductive Medicine and Gynaecological Endoscopy (SASREG). It’s an important benchmark that maps the quality of IVF care in our country
Growing and sustaining a national database of statistics assists our care sector in delivering optimal results on a global and national standard. Collating results also assists in motivating funding for medical research and development. The national results are compiled on a year-to-year basis but compilation of the reports requires collation and verification. As a private concern, Wijnland Fertility is able to release results more quickly and we are therefore delighted to share our 2015 results with you. These results will continue to be fed into the national and global databases that records our collective progress in South Africa.
Compared with the results we received in the previous two years, our pregnancy rates have remained constant, even though we have reduced the number of embryos we transfer for each patient. This encouraging result suggests that our efficiency in selecting embyros has improved. The Embryoscope technology and extended embryo culture to blastocyst stage has increased the accuracy of our embryo culture and grading system and the resulting good pregnancy rates are very pleasing.
Our overall pregnancy rates continue to supercede the global benchmark and our figures compare with South African success rates
Wijnland Fertility Clinic Pregnancy Rates 2015
Pregnancy Rate per Embryo Transfer
Under 39 years old 69.1%
Over 39 years old 36.8%
The average number of embryos transferred per patient was 1.1
In part two or our results series, we will speak about frozen embryo cycles vs fresh embryo cycles.