In part two of our news about our 2015 results we unpack the results of frozen vs fresh embryo cycles in infertility management.

One of the findings that has consistently shown up in our research (since 2013) is that the success rates in pregnancies from frozen embryo transfers is improving and even superseding the results we used to see with fresh cycles. Significant advances in technology are a key factor in delivering these encouraging results and this is also in line with global trends. We have been paying attention to these findings, especially in the advanced maternal age group and we have focused on our cryopreservation strategies to produce better results for our patients. We are pleased to share our 2015 results with you:

Wijnland Fertility Clinic Pregnancy Rates 2015

Fresh Embryo Transfers

Under 39 years old 67.4%
Over 39 years old 18.2%

Frozen Embryo Transfers

Under 39 years old 73.1%
Over 39 years old 55.6%

We have noted significant success rates in the application of a frozen embryo transfers in advanced maternal age patients in particular. Talk to us if these findings also interest you.