Written by Lizanne van Waart
Director & Founder of Wijnland Fertility Clinic / ART Counselling
MA. (Psychology) University of Stellenbosch


Do you need help to turn your empty family canvas into a work of art?”

Welcome to Wijnland Fertility – this month we dedicate to Women and the building of Families and Modern Families.

In April, the flower of the month is a daisy, or the “day’s eye” as the Old English  used to call this flower. This flower symbolises purity, true love, and innocence. The Daisy also stands for fertility, motherhood, and transformation.

Daisy, show your undying love!

At Wijnland Fertility, motherhood and passion play such a unique roll. Motherhood is when women redefine themselves as they fit immeasurable responsibilities into the framework of their families’ lives. Motherhood means family, happiness, love, and contentment. For Wijnland, building ART Families is a passion.

Motherhood is feeling unconditional love, giving care, and becoming a source of nourishment. But Motherhood is also luck, and a gift that not all of us get.

Where does this fit into the picture at Wijnland Fertility? With two people trying for many years to build their family, the constant commitment can lead to a new purpose and meaning in life. Wijnland Fertility gave the Van Waart family a unique opportunity to live out their passion.

The Van Waart family’s interest in the field of fertility started in 1993, when Lizanne and Johannes went through three years of fertility treatments before conceiving their second son through a GIFT procedure. But first they experienced three miscarriages in the 5 years before fertility treatment.

Our patient-centred approach here at Wijnland fertility is what differentiates us. Technically, most of the fertility services provided at Wijnland are also provided by numerous other clinics, but they are offered in isolation. 

Wijnland Fertility chooses to use a biopsychosocial model (BPS), an approach that acknowledges the biological, psychological (thoughts, emotions, and behaviours), and social (socio-economical, -environmental & cultural) factors that all play a significant role in how humans function in the context of disease or illness.

We aim to treat patients physically, psychologically, and socially in a warm, welcoming environment. For us, it us not just about success rates, but rather the total experience. In fact, it’s this approach that increases our odds and it shows in the numbers.

This is why this Family can build yours – they are real people driven by real science!

Fernando Barcelona describes the word “family” as something that “goes beyond bloodlines, last names, or obligation. To me, the word “family” includes all the people in our lives who commit to love and support us unconditionally. It is not a passive birth right but a choice, a discipline of kindness that helps us thrive both as individuals and as a society.”

Here we build families through ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology), we also help to fill the empty canvas where your family portrait should have been. Family is an art, which the team enables through their love and respect for everyone unique journey.

“It is never too late to be what you might have been”

We have been working with infertility for over a decade by assisting families to find solutions to the fertility obstacles that prevent conception.


Many people are choosing to have their families in a completely new way, creating modern families through love, science and community. Children born through the donor process are among the most longed-for children in the world, but choosing this path can be filled with many emotions. At Wijnland Ova and Sperm Bank, we bring all our expertise and compassion to this experience to assist families by providing superior-quality care during their journey.

Fertility treatments are becoming increasingly common among single women, as it gives them the opportunity to start their family without having a partner. At Wijnland Fertility, we are well aware of the desperate need one feels when wanting to enter parenthood, and we are here to help! 

We believe that being a mom is one of the truest callings in life, and we are therefore very passionate about helping single women turn their dream of motherhood into a reality. 

If you’re ready to become a dad but haven’t found the right partner yet, using a surrogate to have a child who is biologically related to you is becoming more and more popular for single men in South Africa. Many men feel a calling to become fathers and want to do so while they’re still young and fit and can enjoy all those typical ‘dad’ activities with their son or daughter. 

Being in an LGBTQ+ relationship has its fair share of challenges when it comes to parenthood. At Wijnland Fertility, we believe that all individuals and couples have the right to start a family, which is why we’ll be with you every step of the way on your journey to parenthood! 

At Wijnland, our passionate team has helped couples from around the world to start the exciting (and yes, sometimes a little scary!) path to becoming parents. We are experts in both male and female infertility, and have access to some of the most advanced fertility, embryology, assisted reproduction, and laboratory technologies available on the planet today. This, coupled with our commitment to providing exceptional psychological support, are some of the reasons our success rates are so high.

Donor cycles provide single or coupled patients with the opportunity to make use of donor gametes to conceive where they otherwise would not have been able to. Essentially patients may use donor sperm, ova, or embryos, singularly or in combination.

There are various reasons why donor gametes might be needed to assist a person/couple in creating their modern family. Examples include:

  • Single patients
  • Same-sex couples
  • Female patients that have an egg factor (very low ovarian reserve or poor quality of eggs)
  • Severe male factor (Azoospermia (no sperm) or very poor quality of sperm)

Family is an art, which the team enables through their love and respect for everyone’s unique journey!” ( Christiaan van Waart)

Written by Lizanne van Waart
Director & Founder of Wijnland Fertility Clinic / ART Counselling
MA. (Psychology) University of Stellenbosch