Men’s health month may be over, but the issue remains up front and centre with a renewed awareness of the alarming decline of male fertility.

According to an article published in The Guardian, scientists have revealed that sperm counts have more than halved in the last 40 years. The downward trajectory is particular to Western countries and shows no sign of slowing with current levels falling at an average of 1.4% per year. The race is on to find a cause – and a cure.

The World Health Organisation has flagged a lack of knowledge and research about the condition of male fertility. In the light of the alarming revelations from a comprehensive report on over one hundred studies, reproductive scientists are now hoping that funds will become available to dig a little deeper into the problem.

Unfortunately, it will be a while before any scientific research can yield conclusive studies as male fertility patterns and male lifestyles will need consistent study over long periods of time to extract valid information.

In the meantime, observers have noted that the decision to have children later in life is impacting on fertility. Many couples discover too late that their fertility has dwindled. Add to this the modern lifestyle factors of stress, obesity and lack of exercise and fertility is soon under enormous pressure.

For now, further education about what we do know about the key threats to human fertility is the primary factor in preventing some of the avoidable fertility.