Infertility is most often a result of physical or psychological complications but external factors can play a role too. Check out your relationship with these environmental influences if you are suspecting infertility.
Gum Disease
There are many signals for health that can be diagnosed from the mouth. A little-known contributor to infertility complications is gum disease, which can in fact harm an embryo or lead to difficulties in conceiving.
Vitamin D
In sunny SA, this is a less frequent contributor, but it can still occur especially with shift workers or those working in spaces with little to no natural light. Vitamin D shortage can cause ovulation and sperm deficiencies but can be addressed by sitting directly in sunshine for 5-10 minutes a day. Vitamin D-rich foods such as oily fish, red meat and liver will also assist in giving a vitamin D boost.
Leisurely cycling is fine for prospective Dads but the repetitive groin contact endured in sustained competitive cycling can give men problems with their sperm. Take a break from the pack if you are considering becoming a father.
Kitchen Professions
Sustained high body heat is a big no-no for fertility and many chefs are close to ovens and stoves for extended periods of time. While not all people working in kitchens suffer fertility problems, it can be a factor to consider if you are trying to diagnose a fertility challenge.
Chronic Illness
Depression and obesity are among the top concerns when looking for infertility flags. These two conditions deplete the body and mind and put would-be Mothers at risk physically and psychologically. It is advisable to treat these serious illnesses before embarking on a parenting journey.
In all instances it is better to visit a fertility clinic for a professional diagnosis and if you are over 35 years old and having regular (twice a week) unprotected sex, don’t put the visit off any longer.